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Patricia Santos Winemaker

patricia santos

“I love living in the countryside. I feel best when I am close to nature. Being a winemaker in this beautiful area fills me with joy and pride. My love for wine, respect for the grapes and the artistic aspect of wine making are the pillars of my business.”


The wine industry has evolved substantially in the last couple of years. In fact, this evolution is still going. Science is a fascinating aspect in the winemaking industry. The development of new techniques is imperative. However, it is important to respect the soil and the nature. Personally, I find it paramount to search for value in all aspects of nature. I find value in the people I work with, regardless of gender or colour. The people who work in our fields are of equal importance, or perhaps even more important than a winemaker or a salesman. Without those people in the fields, we cannot produce wine.


Having my own wine was my biggest dream achieved. Dreams really are attainable, But it is important to never stop dreaming. I believe achievement is only possible when you continue to dream. I believe in equal opportunities and respect for humanity, the climate, and the ecosystem. Respect and truth.

I do not think there are perfect wines, like there aren’t any perfect people. If perfect wines existed, I would have no pleasure in making wines. The never-ending search for perfection is what defines me. That is what provides growth.


These wines contain the essence of the people of the land and the simplicity of the farmer. Their freshness and the pleasure of simplicity are the truth of the region. They are the nature of the grapes, and they make us feel this with each sip you take.

Our wines contain an acidity that embraces a variety of dishes, just like I do :-). They go well with cheeses, sausages, sushi, seviche as well as cod dishes, tuna steak and salmon.